A Business Technology Holiday Wish List

It’s not uncommon to experience a lull at work in December. Between the lengthy Thanksgiving weekend and countdown to Christmas, you’ll find many employees have days earmarked for vacation and some clients just aren’t as active as they are in the spring. It’s a good time to evaluate progress from within the company and determine if some things can be improved. When it comes to your business communication, you should definitely look into enhancements that will prove invaluable in the coming year.

What would you put on a business holiday wish list? If you rely on Internet connectivity, you definitely need to think about software that protects your assets and simplifies communication between your staff and clients. When the budget allows, put this on your holiday list and start shopping.

1) Updated virus software. Many of us home may forget to update anti-virus software on the ground that if we’re careful, we shouldn’t have any problems. When it comes to the job, however, you shouldn’t take such risks. One wrong click on a phishing e-mail can lead to problems that affect everybody in your office, so if it’s been a while since you updated your anti-virus software make sure it gets done before you get busy again.

2) Data recovery software. When a storm breaks, or something else happens that causes you to lose power, you risk damage to your computers. If your data server is on-site, that can increase the chances of losing sensitive information – everything from credit card numbers to Social Security information from customers. You can’t risk putting clients and employees in a position where their privacy is compromised, so it’s good to have quality data recovery in place. Protect the information you store for your work.

3) Video conference equipment. If you plan to expand your business, you may not have the opportunity every time to visit potential clients in other cities. Since most communication at work is done via e-mail, it makes sense to set up video conference capabilities using the Internet to connect with business partners and clients. This is the next best thing to having everybody in the same room.

4) Mobile connectivity. As mobile Internet grows, your office expands. We use mobile phones and tablets to conduct business out of the office, so much that we could feasibly never stop working. You may wish to take a break once in a while, but if you need to leave the office and wait for importance messages a mobile setup can make that happen for you.

Your business connectivity wish list can help you plan for a new year of growth and success. Pay attention to what your business needs to survive.

Kathryn Lively is a freelance author specializing in articles on Norfolk business Internet services and Norfolk business mobile services.