Has Your Company Outgrown Your Current Cloud Provider?

Are you considering a shift in cloud providers? Keeping these conditions in mind will help ensure you’re selecting the best long-term solution for your company.  

Millions of businesses have shifted their infrastructure, data storage and business applications to the cloud, but it may not take long to outgrow your initial provider once you see the vast opportunities that cloud computing offers for your corporation. Some estimates show that upwards of 80% of business workloads will be cloud-based by 2023, and there’s a near-100% adoption rate of some form of cloud computing for enterprises. It’s not unusual for businesses to dip their toes in the water by implementing a cloud solution internally or with limited external assistance. As your reliance on the cloud increases dramatically, it doesn’t take long to realize that there are some additional complexities that could best be addressed by professionals whose full-time focus is in this type of architecture. Here are a few hints that your corporation has outgrown your current cloud provider — meaning it might be time to make a switch.
Cloud Technologies

Significant Shifts in Infrastructure Strategy

One of the key benefits of cloud computing for business is the ability to quickly scale your platforms based on the current and future needs of your business. Even so, there are tiers of service that you will find with nearly every cloud provider that helps you stay within a range of costs that are most comfortable for your business. If you notice that your overage costs are getting out of control and you’re already near the top tier of service levels, it might be time to take a hard look at your cloud provider with an eye towards shifting to a larger-scale service. This often happens when you are shifting your infrastructure from local or on-premise to fully cloud-focused or bringing on new lines of business.

Your Business Experiences a Data Breach

Unfortunately, data breaches are a regular occurrence for small to mid-size businesses, but that doesn’t mean you should simply wait around to be hacked. When you do experience a data breach, you might find that your cloud services provider didn’t protect your organization quite as well as you thought. Cybersecurity breaches can be an eye-opening experience, helping you see that it’s best to work with trusted, vetted professionals that are fully focused on ensuring the sanctity of your business operations. After you’ve worked through remediation is a great time to perform a full review of your corporation’s cybersecurity readiness and disaster recovery strategies — making changes to your cloud hosting structure as needed. With McAfee showing that 52% of companies experience improved security from utilizing cloud-based services, there’s no time like the present to invest in shifting your focus in this direction.

If you are not quite sure if it’s time to make a switch, consider pulling in the experts at Hampton Roads Communication Technologies. We have been serving the Portsmouth, VA area for over 30 years, providing top-tier support for organizations of all sizes and business verticals. You can trust that our technical professionals have the training and expertise required to boost operational efficiencies and provide exceptional security for your corporation. Contact HRCT at 757-255-8905 or request your free initial consultation online by filling out our contact form. Our team will help you determine whether public, private or hybrid cloud is best for your business while ensuring you have the flexibility that you need to grow your business without undue strain on your infrastructure or networks.