HRCT Provides Exceptional IT Services To Fuel Local Company’s Growth

Upgrading and upscaling IT systems is easier said than done. When IT teams get swamped by support requests, these major projects can become overly complicated, expensive, and easily delayed.

That’s why you need an IT partner you can trust to manage these projects carefully to keep them on time and under budget. This is a core component of the services we deliver to numerous clients we work with.

For example, we helped this ship repair company upgrade their server and scale up and migrate their IT systems when they had to move to a new location.

Download Our Success Story PDF With This Local Business

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This Ship Repair Business’ IT Company Couldn’t Meet Their Support Needs

Like any organization, this ship repair company is immediately affected by problems with its IT. It’s such a crucial part of their operations that even a small problem or occasional lag can have considerable consequences. That’s why they need quick and effective support from their IT company.

Before working with HRCT, this ship repair company relied on a different IT company. While the service was adequate initially, the IT company soon fell behind on their support work.

As time went on, it became clear that this IT company could not keep up with the support requirements this ship repair company presented. They were continually overwhelmed and unable to deliver the services the company needed to keep IT issues to a minimum and their staff productive.

When it came time for the company to start a server replacement project, they took the opportunity to find a new IT company. That’s when they got in touch with HRCT.

This Ship Repair Company Needed A Responsive IT Partner To Upgrade Their Server…

Do you have old technology that needs to be replaced?

Sticking with outdated hardware and software may save you some money in your IT budget, but the lack of functionality and security can slow down your business and put you at risk.

Hardware and software can become dangerous when it reaches the “end of life”. This is the point at which the technology developers no longer provide support updates.

This means no more bug fixes or security updates for the hardware or software—it’s the end of support delivered by the manufacturer. Over time, there will be a loss of usability and increased vulnerability. While it may work fine right now, it won’t be long before it becomes a problem.

That said, It’s not uncommon to procrastinate on technology upgrades. The process can be expensive and complicated, but the fact is that there comes a point in the technology life cycle when failing to upgrade can present several serious concerns.

As important as cost control is, it is equally important for owners and managers to ensure they’re maintaining their competitive edge, using secure technology, and working as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Without support, security updates, and bug patches, users open themselves up to several risks:

  • Malware infection
  • Out-of-date anti-virus
  • Expired online banking protections
  • Exposed private data

For all these reasons, this ship repair company needed a new server.

Outdated Servers Can Cause Major Problems

A poorly maintained or aging server can pose serious risks to organizations like this ship repair company. Without proper management, a faulty server can cause a lot of problems…

No Room

Servers only have so much storage space to offer. To support their growing company, they would need more space to accommodate data growth seamlessly.

Lag & Performance Issues

The older hardware gets, the more likely it’ll start to slow down. With their entire company relying on access to apps and data stored on these old servers, it was only a matter of time before their staff-wide productivity began to drop.

Risk of Data Loss

Hardware gets so old that it’s prone to fail at a certain point. For a range of reasons, it’ll just stop working. When this company’s server fails, it means they’ll experience downtime while they wait for it to restart, not to mention that they could lose data that isn’t backed up.

This company knew they needed to solve these server problems before they faced permanent consequences. They opted to call HRCT, and our team immediately went on-site to assess the situation directly.

We worked around the clock to properly replace, configure and deploy their server. This project resulted in a functional and optimized foundation for all their IT operations. Due to how effectively this project was executed, the company opted to partner with us full-time for IT support.

Eventually, we helped to move their growing company to a larger location…

This Ship Repair Company Needed To Move To A Larger Campus

Business growth is a double-edged sword. The more you can expand and the greater economy of scale you can access, the more profit you can generate.

But there’s a catch—you need to be able to manage your rapidly expanding network of locations and entities, including your IT.

Unfortunately, IT often takes a backseat when enterprise organizations acquire new businesses. This can lead to severe performance issues, chronic downtime, and extremely dangerous cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Fortunately, this ship repair company made the right call by partnering with HRCT.

We had worked with other companies they were familiar with and trusted us to bring their systems, infrastructure, and cybersecurity capabilities in line with their expanding scope.

We helped them scale their IT as they grew into a larger presence in the ship repair industry. This ensured they had the security capabilities and IT resources needed to continue growing without taking on additional risks.

This Ship Repair Company Is Confident In Their Future With HRCT

Since partnering with HRCT, this ship repair company has enjoyed seamless and effective support for its entire organization. With HRCT’s help, the staff at this ship repair company can more easily do their jobs.

That’s what the leadership at this company wants from their IT. They want to be confident it will work as expected, day in and day out. It needs to be responsive and reliable—and with HRCT’s help, that’s what they get.