HRCT Further Enhances Their Expertise in the Hospitality Industry

Technology has made a world of difference when it comes to helping hotels and other hospitality businesses deliver a greater experience to all of their guests. But when it comes to leveraging technology, there are challenges many hotels face in terms of data management, interoperability, and security. HRCT understands the lack of standardization and specialized solutions that leaves many hotels attempting to develop their own solutions to manage assets – but this often leaves them with vulnerabilities and compatibility issues.

Simply put, hotels need an expert helping hand when it comes to managing their infrastructure.

They’re storing a massive amount of data in regards to their guests. And this data can be incredibly powerful – enabling them to know and understand each and every customer, and in turn, deliver a more unique, satisfying experience. But this data must be properly managed and safeguarded in a way that many hotels aren’t sure how to achieve. HRCT specializes in providing IT services in the hospitality industry. We’re continuously furthering our expertise in the realm to ensure we can deliver exactly what hotels need to succeed.

That’s why we’re attending The Coastal Virginia Hospitality Expo this year as a vendor. The Expo, which takes place at the Holiday Inn on Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach on February 4, 2020, brings together industry experts, as well as many vendors and leaders in the hospitality industry, to exchange products, ideas, and services. HRCT knows the best way to further our expertise in the industry is to interact with and learn from others, especially vendors, who are leading the way.

How do we help those in the hospitality industry deliver a greater experience to their guests?

HRCT currently works with many hotels to help them leverage technology to deliver a greater experience to their guests. Many of our clients work with us to manage their environment – keeping it reliable, safe, and functioning at peak performance. We also have many clients who work with us to implement more innovative solutions that allow them to:

  • Expedite the check-in process
  • Illicit feedback from visitors and guests
  • Leverage free wi-fi to gather marketing information
  • Setup overhead music throughout the building
  • And much, much more

When it comes to managing the environment of a hotel, we’re able to assist with many of the basics, including:

  • Acting as a liaison between vendors and the hotel to ensure all third-party applications and/or systems are running properly while minimizing any potential downtime for staff members.
  • Setting up and configuring camera systems to keep the entire premises safe at all times with around-the-clock surveillance of various areas, such as the lobby, entrances, etc.
  • Protecting against attacks on the corporate or guest network with advanced security solutions, including enterprise-grade anti-virus software, firewalls, intrusion detection software, and more.

HRCT is the leading IT services company for hotels throughout Virginia. Call (757) 255-8952 to learn more.