HRCT Launches Penetration Testing Services

You can’t afford to assume your cybersecurity is strong enough to protect your business. You need to actively test your cybersecurity (and your cybersecurity practices) with third-party assessments—when was the last time you did so?

Truly effective cybersecurity is a matter of both preparation and knowledge.

Do you have the right defensive solutions in place? Do you (and your employees) know how to work securely online? Would you even know if you suffered a data breach? Do you know if your systems are properly defended right now?

Consider the most recent stats:

This is why businesses need to make a greater effort to develop and test their cybersecurity. A great way to do so is to engage in regular cybersecurity assessments.

The Necessity Of Third-Party Cybersecurity Testing

The gulf between what you know and what you don’t is where cybercriminals operate. That’s why risk assessment processes are so crucial. They help you better understand where your most severe cybersecurity issues are.

Consider the facts—whereas nearly 80% of IT security leaders believe their organizations are not secure enough, only 57% have invested in cybersecurity risk assessments. Don’t make the same mistake.

You need to have a risk assessment process in place that checks for new vulnerabilities and tracks how well previously identified issues were resolved.

This is why third-party cybersecurity testing is extremely important. By having an experienced IT security company examine your cybersecurity from top to bottom, you can verify the effectiveness of your cyber defenses.

Who Is Testing Your Cybersecurity?

Unfortunately, not all third-party assessments are created equal. Some offer nothing more than a technician checking off items on a list:

  • Do you have a firewall in place?
  • Do you have an antivirus solution in place?
  • Is there a data backup in place?

While these are certainly all important aspects of a viable cybersecurity posture, checking them off a list is not enough on its own—you need a comprehensive and robust analysis of your IT systems, and the way you and your staff act when using IT tools and working online.

No matter how much you’ve invested in your cybersecurity, you can’t just assume it’s effective enough to protect you against cybercriminals. A key best practice for cybersecurity is to regularly test your measures to make sure they hold up in the event of an attack, and to identify any unseen vulnerabilities that are putting you at risk.

That’s why third-party vulnerability assessments are so important. By having an experienced IT company like HRCT examine your cybersecurity from top to bottom, you can verify the effectiveness of your cyber defenses.

HRCT Now Offers Penetration Testing

The penetration test is an authorized attack on your organization’s technology and staff and is one of the best ways to accurately evaluate your security controls. This process allows you to double-check each and every aspect of your cybersecurity posture.

As a part of this service, HRCT will examine your network security to determine whether your company’s data is properly protected.

This means both assessing your IT environment’s defenses, and whether or not your staff is supporting your cybersecurity or putting it at risk. We will analyze the following aspects of your cybersecurity to determine:

  • Whether you have the necessary components in place, including firewalls, antivirus software and more.
  • Whether your systems are up to date, and patched with the latest security fixes.
  • Whether you have a viable backup in place that you can rely on in the event of data loss or corruption.
  • Whether your staff has the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain your security.

After completing our comprehensive audit process, we will review a detailed report of our findings with you to facilitate the process of improving your organization-wide security. Our third-party assessment service offers a range of vital services:

  • A comprehensive and accessible visual summary of complex data, detailing your IT infrastructure performance and security vulnerabilities.
  • A full analysis of the many components of your IT infrastructure.
  • A vital risk analysis that will identify and address security vulnerabilities.
  • An assessment of your staff’s online professional practices

HRCT Will Help Your Verify Your Cybersecurity Capabilities

In recent years, the rate of cyberattacks grew 400% compared to the previous year, and as they say, a rising tide lifts all ships. As cybercrime becomes more prevalent, your organization becomes a more likely target, no matter its size.

Get in touch with HRCT to find out what you don’t know about your cybersecurity. Don’t wait until a data breach occurs to find out about your vulnerabilities.