HRCT Resolves Network Issues for a Newport Medical Clinic

A Newport medical clinic had been battling frustrations with slow internet connectivity that was causing regular headaches with its EHR software before it sought help from Hampton Roads Communication Technologies (HRCT).

Thanks to the highly responsive and empathetic customer support team at HRCT, the Newport medical clinic was able to get assistance, even though its owner broke off to attend to another pressing issue mid-conversation.

Why Your Business Needs Stable Internet Connectivity

The Newport medical clinic is a small private optometry practice with 13 employees, possibly attending to a limited number of clients. The business is looking to grow to new heights, gaining more clients, increasing its workforce, and developing an in-house IT department. But problems with its internet connectivity disrupted its service delivery.

Internet connectivity problems aren’t unique to this medical clinic alone. Every business today relies heavily on the internet for everything. Without a stable network, your business could run into serious problems.

Here are some reasons your business needs a stable network:

  • To ease communications: No doubt most of your personal and business communications today need stable internet connectivity to flow seamlessly. Think about what would happen to all those instant messaging apps, email software, and VoIP telephony. Without a strong network, these services would be frustrating, as they would constantly drop the connection, or freeze mid-way.
  • Reduce downtimes: Network problems wouldn’t mean well for your growing business. You would experience too many downtimes whenever the connection breaks. For example, it would be impossible to access your servers, or cloud services, when you need them, causing unnecessary downtimes as you wait for the connection to pick.
  • For easy data management: A stable network makes data management a breeze, especially for your small and medium-sized business with lower IT needs because it doesn’t consume large amounts of data as does large organizations. It would be easy to store, retrieve, and back up data on=site, or the cloud.
  • To boost your online presence: If you are serious about boosting your online presence, you need to invest in a strong bandwidth that ensures you are online all the time. You need to be constantly online to respond to live chat queries from prospective clients as soon as they activate the chat feature. You also need to respond immediately to visitor reactions or posts on your social media pages to enhance your online presence.
  • Stay ahead of the competition: Staying ahead of the competition means leveraging modern technology, such as Big Data, to understand your market, and identify trends you could exploit to drive the profitability of your business. But this requires a stable internet connection, so you can access these services without a hassle.

Outsourcing Your IT to a Reliable Service Provider

Your growing firm, like the medical clinic in Newport News, may not have sufficient resources to create a robust IT department with high-end infrastructure that would ensure a stable and reliable internet connection. This would mean that you outsource these services to a reliable managed IT service provider, such as HRCT.

The market is teeming with managed service providers, and you may not know which one to work with for your IT needs. But it isn’t too difficult to pick out the provider that can meet the IT needs of your small firm if you know what to look for, and where to find it. The best-managed service provider should meet the following requirements:

  • Financial stability: You don’t a company that will go bankrupt tomorrow after outsourcing your IT department to it.
  • Positive reviews from past and current clients: Don’t rely so much on the feedback provided on their websites – some companies expunge any negative feedback on their site, leaving only positive reviews. You may visit these clients to see for yourself.
  • Embraces the latest technology: The best provider should have the latest hardware and software and employ the most current technology, such as cloud computing. Such a service provider will be able to meet the needs of your growing IT needs both at present and in the future.
  • Reliable cybersecurity measures: Data and systems security is now more important than ever. Cybercriminals have become more sophisticated, using the latest technology to find and exploit any vulnerabilities in your systems. Hackers have also become indiscriminate, and target any business in their way regardless of its size. Your upcoming business isn’t safe: you need a managed service provider you can trust to keep your data safe.

How HRCT can Help

Hampton Roads Communication Technologies was able to rise to the occasion and help the medical clinic from Newport News because it has all it needs to help such companies. This reliable and efficient managed service provider can help your business move to the next level of growth through the following:

  • Friendly and responsive customer support team: The medical clinic from Newport News was impressed by the real human customer support representative that handled its request. The support handed over the clinic’s request to the technical team, which in turn responded within 24 hours.
  • The latest technology: It helps HRCT to offer reliable and efficient IT services to all its clients. Through cloud computing, HRCT can monitor your IT systems remotely without ever having to visit you on-site.
  • Scalable IT services: It is easy to increase or reduce the number of users depending on the IT needs of your company. All you need to do to change your subscription to a higher or lower tier of services respectively.
  • Affordable services: HRCT works with any business regardless of size. If you are just starting, you can outsource your IT department to HRCT at a flat monthly fee, making it possible to budget for the services in the long-term.

When the medical clinic in Newport News needed help with its failing internet connectivity that disrupted its service delivery to its clients, it turned to HRCT for immediate action. If your business is experiencing challenges with the growing IT needs, you can also consider partnering with HRCT for excellent and affordable IT services. Contact us today if you have any queries.