HRCT Supports The Mayflower Food Drive

The holidays are always a time of giving, and the HRCT family knew that there were plenty of families in need in their community. Each year, millions of children go without food when they are out of school, with families unable to provide nutritious sustenance that will aid in healthy minds and bodies as they grow. The Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia and the Eastern Shore was delighted to have the support of the HRCT family this holiday season, as they delivered a generous donation to the local charity.

Mayflower Food Drive

Creating Strong, Healthy Communities

One of the ways that HRCT has continued to be a leading force within the community is due to our investments in the success of individual companies and charitable organizations. Each year, we look for opportunities to partner with local organizations. Not only does this provide our staff members with a valuable service opportunity, but it also helps us reinvest in the individuals who have supported our company’s growth over the years.

Successful Food Drives Required Effort and Dedication From Staff

Creating a highly-successful food drive such as the recent outpouring from HRCT does require time and effort from the team. From publicizing the event to helping remind staff members to give, this is truly a team effort to come together around helping others during the holiday season. This year, the HRCT team donated to the Hampton Roads chapter of the Foodbank, providing canned goods, non-perishable boxes of food, baby wipes and much more.

Dropping off the several pallets of goodies was a powerful moment for our team member, Steve. “I was incredibly proud of the entire HRCT team, knowing that we pulled together to provide so many food items that will benefit families in need. This is what the season is all about!”

Learn more about HRCT and how we give back to the community by following our blog.