Important Email Security Best Practices Every Business Should Implement

You’re working on your computer and get an email from a coworker about urgent news. You click on the link…and your computer freezes. Phishing and ransomware attacks are all-too common ways for cybercriminals to access your business’s data. 

However, there are steps you can take to ensure the safety of your company.

Why is Email Security So Important?

Approximately 3.4 billion phishing emails are sent daily— over 1 trillion per year. Email security is an important part of any business’s defense against cyber threats. Unprotected emails can allow hackers to access your system, giving access to confidential data and customer information.

Even small businesses are at risk—cybercriminals often target smaller companies because they have fewer resources to protect their data.

Without the proper defenses, your business opens itself to a range of risks. These include data breaches, identity theft, and financial loss. In addition, customer trust can be severely damaged if their personal information is compromised. Remember, a single compromised email can jeopardize the entire business.

Email Best Practices 

The most effective way to protect your business from security threats is to implement a comprehensive set of best practices. Here are some tips:

Use MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication)

MFA is a security process that requires users to provide more than one form of identification to access their accounts. This adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access, especially for admin-level accounts, and can prevent hackers from gaining access through stolen credentials.

Train All Employees on Email Security

It’s important to make sure all employees understand the importance of email security and know how to protect themselves. Provide regular training sessions and educational materials, such as phishing email scams your team should know about.

Encrypt Email Communications

Encrypting emails adds an extra layer of security that ensures only authorized personnel can access sensitive information. Your IT team or an outsourced IT provider can help to set up encryption protocols for specific email addresses or groups.

Say No to Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi networks can be an easy way for hackers to access your emails. Never use public wifi when sending or receiving important information, and remind employees not to access confidential emails on public networks.

Monitor Email Activity

By monitoring email activity, you can identify any suspicious activities and take swift action to prevent them from escalating further. You can set up alerts so that you can be immediately notified of any suspicious activity and ensure email security

What You Should Know About Passwords

It’s essential to use strong passwords to protect your email accounts. Encourage employees to create complex passwords that are difficult for hackers to guess. Don’t reuse passwords for multiple accounts. Additionally, remind them to change their passwords regularly and never share them with anyone.

Dangers of Out-of-Office Auto Reply Messages

Out-of-office auto-reply messages are convenient, but they can also alert hackers to your absence and expose confidential information. Make sure all auto-replies are set to only go to specified contacts and never contain sensitive information.

Implement Security Solutions

There is a wide range of security solutions available for businesses of every size. These include firewalls, anti-virus software, and more. One solution worth mentioning is an email filtering product, which can block incoming phishing emails and protect your network from malware.

Companies must stay vigilant when it comes to email security threats. Using the tips above and investing in proper security solutions, you can ensure your data is safe from cybercriminals.

Be Confident in Your Network Security with HRCT

At HRCT, we understand that your data is your most valuable asset. That’s why we offer comprehensive security solutions to ensure email security and the safety of your business’s network. With our services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business is safe from cyber threats. Contact us today for more information.