IT Services, Support, and Solutions for Dental Offices 

Just like any other business that relies on technology for operations, dental professionals need expert IT support. They need to have more than just someone who gets rids of viruses and updates software. As the digital world grows, it comes with regulations and dangers that call for the input of a professional team. By partnering with an expert in IT service, you can focus more on delivering high-quality dental services to your clients while leaving computer and network issues to the right people.

Unfortunately, some IT companies don’t always understand the unique requirements that come into play in providing crucial IT support for dental services. This is where IT professionals at Hampton Roads Communication Technologies (HRCT) come in to help. We have the right technologies, solutions, and support services to keep your network functioning in a secure environment. Through our managed IT services, we evaluate your network and equipment to identify any existing problems and put measures to stop them from interfering with your business.

HRCT offers both on-site and remote support so that you always have an experienced and knowledgeable professional to take care of all your IT needs.

Dental IT Services HRCT Provides

HRCT acts as your IT department, performing all technology-related functions so that you can focus on the most crucial aspects of your business. Through our managed IT services, we help you worry less about technology costs and network up-time. We use a flat-free and proactive monitoring approach for a strategic and preemptive plan for the smooth running of your business technology. This way, we ensure that we fix issues before you even realize that they were there in the first place.

Network Monitoring and Security 

Our experts at HRCT monitor a wide range of aspects of your company’s systems to check for signs of system failures. Through constant monitoring of memory usage, network devices, Windows security updates, and network firewalls, we help you reduce the chance of security breaches and system failures. We work towards keeping your technology functioning at optimal levels to help you achieve the most you can during your workday.

Data Back-Up and Disaster Recovery 

Most businesses across industries recognize that downtime can easily contribute to lost revenue. Natural disasters, one wrong mouse click or button push, security threats, and cyberattacks can all jeopardize the availability of your IT resources. When you understand the essentials of disaster recovery and backup, you will be in a better position to minimize the effect of unforeseen interruption on your dental practice.

Unavailability of your systems can derail customer engagement, tamper with data and business processes, and sap employee productivity. At HRCT, we provide you with backup and restore services to ensure you have peace of mind at all times.

Ideally, your business may never have to implement a data recovery strategy, but having one in place protects you from many unforeseen events outside your control. We bring in experience and training to keep your business prepared and restore you to business immediately in the event of an attack.

Cybersecurity Solutions

The recent past has brought news of hospital systems being held ransom by cybercriminals demanding payment. While only the large organizations get media attention, it doesn’t mean that your dental office is not a prime target for hackers. Your dental practice may not have the luxury of specialized cybersecurity groups that work full-time to identify threats, keep your systems patched, and prevent cyberattacks. Fortunately for you, you can still enjoy the same benefits when working with our managed services.

We update your antivirus software and monitor application and hardware patch releases, and implement them for you. The HRCT team also stays well-informed on developing threats and provides the necessary solutions to upgrade network security configurations to protect your business from hackers. We also ensure that your practice achieves HIPAA, NIST, PCI compliance, and other set guidelines and standards.

Fewer cybersecurity threats and incidents mean less downtime for you, more business, more trust from your customers, and fewer headaches for you.

Day-to-Day IT Management

Consider how much your dental practice can benefit from having an expert take care of IT maintenance issues for you. HRCT acts as an extension to your business, keeping your computers and infrastructure running with minimal disruptions. The partnership leaves you and your team more time to focus on the bigger business goals instead of worrying about day-to-day IT requirements.

Why Choose HRCT For All Your Dental IT Service Needs?

When working with an IT service and support provider, you want the assurance that you are not wasting money on a firm that doesn’t understand what a dental practice requires. Additionally, you want to get 100% of the services you should be getting from your IT partner. As a dental professional, it’s not always a walk in the park to find an IT provider who understands all of your business functions.

Fortunately, all this trouble comes to an end when you partner with us for your IT needs in your dental office. With many years of providing managed IT services to dental professionals, we are dedicated to giving you what you need for maximum efficiency.

We Evaluate Your Unique IT Requirements 

We apply a precision-based model to assess your IT needs, working with you and your team to identify your pain points. Furthermore, we take the time to understand what you believe should be the solution to those problems and guide you accordingly. Ours is to help you get the biggest advantage from all your programs and technology.

We are Familiar with the Technology Solutions You Use

For the many years, we have been in service, we have accumulated many skills in the various dental software most practices use today. We have the relevant experience to keep your systems, including business, Wi-Fi, phone systems and VoIP, and surveillance systems up and running.

Web Design and Implement Unique Solutions to Your Business 

After assessing your systems, we will use our best-practice procedures, expertise, and knowledge to create a custom-tailored technology infrastructure based on your unique requirements. We will ensure you have precisely what your business needs when we are finished, in addition to implementing technology solutions that:

  • Protect the privacy of patient records
  • Maintain your IT functions operational at peak performance
  • Boost your productivity, efficiencies, and profitability
  • Help with HIPAA regulations compliance
  • Integrate easily with your dental applications

Don’t allow just any IT or computer person to come close to your confidential data or server closet. Avoid wasting your money on IT companies that don’t understand your dental practice IT needs. HRCT specialists have solutions made specifically for dental professionals. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help your dental office.