Outsourced IT Services & Support

At HRCT, we are passionate about helping small to midsize businesses remove technological obstacles so they can focus on their goals. Most of our clients don’t have the need — or the expendable budget — to hire their own comprehensive IT team.

HRCT can supplement a company’s IT staff or become their entire outsourced IT department.

We are a great fit for companies that specialize in three distinct industries.

By specializing in hospitality, defense contractors and professional services, we bring industry-specific expertise to our clients.  This means we are familiar with their software and its collaboration opportunities, their workflows and data, compliance needs and customized application solutions.


The hospitality industry is a service industry and has the unique challenge of relying on the speed of customer service and almost always demanding 24/7 availability.

Hospitality includes lodging (hotels), food and drink service (restaurants and bars), event planning, theme parks and transportation. Each of these business types has a strong focus on the customer experience.

They also all rely on technology to be efficient, accurate and organized.

We help those in the hospitality industry with proactively managing their public wifi, private wifi, point-of-sale systems, email, ordering portals, bank applications, security cameras and access controls. We understand the intricacies of these critical systems and understand how to make them work efficiently while keeping security top of mind.

Exploring the power of artificial intelligence, automated phone, email and chat platforms and improving websites to include online order and payment capabilities are trends we are seeing as we head into 2021.

Department of Defense Contractors

For our government contractor clients, compliance and regulatory concerns are an ever-changing challenge. Legislative requirements evolve almost continuously and contractors have to keep up.

Our technical experts are also well-versed in the compliance needs of organizations that contract with the government. We understand the ins and outs of NIST, CDI, CUI and we handle it so that you can deliver your services to your military clients.

HRCT is able to strike the perfect balance between accessibility and functionality with high-level security needs. We keep your employees working efficiently no matter where in the world they may be and they’ll never be tempted to share credentials or use unauthorized workarounds to access the systems they need.

It’s our greatest honor to indirectly support the ongoing military efforts of our country.

Professional Services

Professional services are also in the service sector, but require special training in the arts or sciences. Some of these firms require professional degrees and licenses, along with specific skills. Examples are architects, accountants, engineers and attorneys.

In each of these specialties, time is money. Many professionals bill by the hours and miss revenue if their technology is down even for a couple of minutes.

Plus, they rely on highly specialized software suites (think AutoCad) and often need secure access to their clients’ software systems or sensitive files as well.

Security is key in this group of companies. We offer a layered, comprehensive approach that covers the entire network and mobile devices and keeps productivity top of mind. Compliance is also a priority for these folks and for many of their corporate clients.

Since the onset of COVID-19, we have assisted our professional services clients with providing secure, reliable remote access to their key applications and managing the risks of evolving workspaces.

We Understand Our Strengths

HRCT has taken great care in choosing the industries that are the best fit for us. We have assembled a complete staff of highly qualified technical professionals from a wide variety of diverse technology backgrounds.

Our team has the skill set to apply customized solutions that improve your productivity, efficiencies and protect your most sensitive information.

Talk with us to find out how we can help you promote a greater customer experience through technology.