How Poor Wi-Fi Is Affecting Your Business And How You Can Improve It

The Internet is an undeniably important part of any business. From email to research to cloud computing and more, it is a factor in almost every daily task that you and your employees undertake.

Why bother with anything less than the best Wi-Fi connection available to you?

The Consequences Of Poor Wi-Fi


Your team needs a strong Internet connection to get a majority of daily tasks done, but with slow Wi-Fi, each one of those tasks takes longer. This means your employees spend more time waiting on the Wi-Fi to start their work and less time completing their tasks, which takes a toll on your business’ productivity. Plus, what if you bring in guests or business partners, and they can’t get on the Wi-Fi when needed?


Given your Internet connection’s central nature to your business, the return you can determine from almost any investment is likely affected by it. Whether it be the hourly wages for your employees or the equipment purchased and maintained to provide your internet connection, slow Wi-Fi negatively affects the return on each part of your business.


For the companies with multiple buildings, multiple locations, or very large offices, does the Wi-Fi work great at one end of the building but not the other? Your Wi-Fi should not only be strong, but it should be consistent across your location(s) as well.

What Are The 3 Must-Have Features For Your Wi-Fi?

The right Wi-Fi solution will offer a comprehensive range of benefits and solutions, including:

Managed and Scalable Wi-Fi Infrastructure

Instead of just setting up a few routers and hoping for the best, the right Wi-Fi solution ensures that the specific needs of the business (down to the different areas and demand on the solution) are taken into account. The right Wi-Fi solution would allow you to scale the connectivity and available speed based on the demand and area.

Enterprise-Class Security

Business Wi-Fi networks are popular among cybercriminals these days. If they’re not properly secured, it provides a simple way for external parties to access business data. A key aspect of good Wi-Fi is that it keeps your staff safe via a range of industry-standard security features, such as password protection and robust encryption.

Regular Hardware Refreshes

It’s unusually common for businesses to rely on technology that’s long been out of date. Especially when it comes to Wi-Fi, people will often assume that one router is as good as the next – this simply isn’t true. A core part of good Wi-Fi is ensuring the hardware is continually updated regularly to ensure a high-quality connection and low risk of failure.

What’s The Simplest Way To Implement High-Quality Wi-Fi?

The best way to deliver ideal Wi-Fi is with support from an expert IT services company – Hampton Roads Communication Technologies. We have the experience and expertise necessary to help you implement a reliable, robust, and powerful Wi-Fi solution.

To begin the process of improving the quality of your Wi-Fi, click here to get in touch with our experts or call {phone} today!