Save Money with SIP

by Sid Cervarich, Vice President of Sales HRCT

First, we need to know … what is SIP?

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is a protocol for communications used to create, modify, and terminate sessions with one or more users. Your telephone line runs through your internet connection. SIP is a signaling procedure for communication over the internet, setting up, connecting and disconnecting voice or video calls.

Why is SIP important?

The answer is almost always because when compared to your current local and long distance phone costs, it will SAVE YOUR COMPANY MONEY EVERY MONTH.

Most businesses spend around $50 per line every month plus long distance charges.  Even a somewhat small business is likely to have 3 to 5 business lines i.e. $150 to $250 every month or $1,800 to $3,000 per year. That can become very expensive for any business. The good new is that HRCT can save you money every month with SIP.

With SIP, that same monthly expense would be $45 to $75 per month or $675 to $900 per year. This saves your company $1,125 to $2,100 a year by changing to SIP lines

How does SIP Work?

The basics involve using your Internet connection to not only surf the web but also make and receive telephone calls (video is an option).  If your business office telephone system can be equipped to make and receive SIP calls via your business Internet service, you can lower monthly expenses.  If your phone system cannot utilize SIP, it may be time to consider upgrading your business telephone system.

So what’s the catch?  Technology would be the first answer to that question. HRCT can review your system and give you professional advice and customized options that will improve your business communications. HRCT can help you enjoy the benefits of a SIP system and guide you through the technology. We believe in working with you and your company to ensure that all components involved with converting to SIP are discussed and, when necessary, included in your solution.

These components include:

  • Amount of Internet bandwidth you currently subscribe to
  • What you use the internet for today
  • How many people will be simultaneously making/receiving calls
  • If not all of your telephone numbers, which ones do you want to keep
  • What happens if your Internet connection is down
  • Do you have remote locations that need to be part of your solution
  • Do you have remote personnel
  • How do you provide connectivity for remote locations and personnel

With HRCT expertise and guidance your company can have stronger communication links with lower monthly expenses. For more information and to ask questions, click here to contact Sid Cervarich.


Posted by Sid Cervarich, Vice President of Sales at HRCT.  Sid has over 30 years of sales and implementation experience exclusively within the greater Hampton Roads area.  His range of experience includes governmental as well as commercial solutions.  His preference is to provide a consultative teamwork approach to solving customer requirements.

Hampton Roads Communication Technologies (HRCT) provides quality business telecommunications solutions, like IT Sales, Repair and Service Plans to companies and organizations throughout the United States, Mid-Atlantic and the Hampton Roads Virginia cities of Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News and Hampton, north into Williamsburg and south into the Outer Banks of North Carolina. HRCT keeps your company connected. Call today 757-399-3350.