Streamline Wiring and Data Cabling to Improve Operations

Need help with internet and phone wiring? A cut-rate installation could cause big problems down the road. Be sure your experts understand the needs of your business before installation! 

Did you know that the average load on data cabling has increased dramatically even in the past few years? Google’s latest data cabling project is expected to be able to transmit the entire Library of Congress — three times per second. This is a staggering amount of information and really speaks to the need for companies to have advanced data cabling in place to meet the future demands of the business. While this level of fiber-optic cabling is probably not necessary for many businesses, there’s little question that organizations and individuals are more likely to use high-speed data access than ever before. From internet-based telephony to the need to transfer or backup massive files, it is essential that you have the correct data cabling backbone in your company to support these growing demands.

Office Moves and Upgrades

As companies shift their focus over time, it’s not unusual for office configurations to morph. This can include everything from building an open-concept space where there used to be walled offices to shifting entire departments that requires extensive reconfigurations. Making these changes involves much more than simply moving a few desks to their new locations — everything from creating a new power structure to ensuring the data cabling is in place are all part of the planning. If your internal team isn’t comfortable with creating the engineering schema or getting the work done, it’s best to work with professionals that are well-versed in the data cabling and wiring needs of the business and can ensure that you have the power necessary for your teams to be efficient and productive over time.

Take Advantage of the Latest Upgrades in Data Cabling

If your company has been in business for some time, you might find that your network speeds are degrading or your call and videoconferencing qualities are low. While you might immediately look to the software and consider switching, your software may not be the culprit. Companies with older data cabling and wiring often find that their systems slow down over time but this can be resolved through upgrading your structured data cabling. The latest advances in cabling can significantly speed your operations and improve call quality. When you work with professionals who have a deep understanding of the electrical engineering principles of data cabling, you can be confident that you are making a decision to upgrade based on the true needs of your business.

Your telecommunications and IT infrastructure can make (or break!) your business by either boosting the speed and efficiency of your network — or causing significant problems over time. Trust your data cabling and wiring to the professionals at HRCT. We have the tools and knowledge of data cabling that will help ensure your company’s office operations are fully optimized and skillfully executed. Contact the HRCT experts at 757-255-8905 to schedule your free initial consultation or fill out our online form to receive a quick response. We work with organizations throughout Portsmouth, VA and surrounding areas to ensure that your company’s infrastructure is flexible, stable and scalable to meet the needs of your customers.